Deciduous Shrubs Show filters Hide filters (Brand) Allensmore (10) Bransford Webb (38) Darby Nurseries (59) Heinje (56) Johnsons of Whixley (54) ProfitPlant (4) The Plant Team (3) Wyevale Nurseries (15) Clear selection £ - Clear selection 1 - 60 of 362 productsItems per page1224364860AllSort byName ascendingName descendingPrice ascendingPrice descendingOffersPopularity 123456 7 Next Calycanthus Aphrodite 3 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rhamnus frangula Fine Line 4.6 litre £ 45.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotoneaster Horizontalis Variegata 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hamamelis Orange Beauty 3 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Berberis Thunbergii Fireball 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Edgeworthia chrysantha Grandiflora 5 Litre £ 45.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Berberis Thunbergii Admiration 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cercis Canadensis Eternal Flame 6 Litre £ 100.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Philadelphus Little White Love 6 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Euonymus alatus 4.6 litre £ 35.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus Royal Purple 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rhus typhina Tiger Eyes 7.5 litre £ 60.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Corylopsis pauciflora 3.4 Litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hamamelis Mollis 3 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cornus Kousa China Girl 3 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Ribes King Edward VII 4.6 Litre £ 25.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Viburnum Bodnantense Dawn 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Corylus Twister 6 Litre £ 45.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus Lilla 4.6 Litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cornus Alba Baton Rouge 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hypericum Hidcote 2.5 Litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cornus Stolonifera Flaviramea 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Albzia Ombrella 6 Litre £ 50.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Viburnum Opulus Roseum 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus Golden Lady 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus Royal Purple 4.6 Litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Exochorda Niagara 3 Litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Forsythia Mikador 16.5 Litre £ 100.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Physocarpus Opulifolius All Black 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hamamelis Intermedia Firecracker 4 litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Spiraea Double Play Doozie 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Salix Integra Hakuro-Nishiki 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Sorbaria Sem 2.3 Litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hydrangea Paniculata Phantom 4 Litre £ 35.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Hamamelis X Intermedia Ruby Glow 3 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus coggygria Flamissimo 4.6 litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Sorbaria Sem 3 Litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Syringa Red Pixie 2 Litre £ 25.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Physocarpus Tiny Wine 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cornus Sanguinea Midwinter Fire 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Caryopteris Dark Knight 2.3 Litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Berberis Rose Glow 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Ceratostigma Plumbaginoides 2.5 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus Grace 3 litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Corylus Twister Standard 10 Litre £ 75.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Weigela Kosteriana Variegata 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Forsythia Intermedia Week End 4 Litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Berberis Thunbergii Harlequin 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cornus Sanguinea Annys Winter Orange 3 litre £ 15.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Rhus Tiger Eyes 19cm £ 25.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Spiraea Double Play Blue Kazoo 7.5 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Sorbaria Crimson Feathers 3 Litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Caryopteris Kew Blue 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Spiraea Shirobana 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cornus Kousa Chinensis 3 Litre £ 40.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Physocarpus Tiny Gold 3 Litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Ilex Verticilata 5 Litre £ 50.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Enkianthus campanulatus 4 Litre £ 30.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Physocarpus Opulifolius Lady In Red 3 litre £ 17.50WishlistMore infoAdd to basket Cotinus Candy Floss 3 Litre £ 20.00WishlistMore infoAdd to basket 123456 7 Next